SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials

Learn how to write SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials in the warehouse.

To set up the procedure for receiving and inspecting incoming raw and primary packaging materials in the warehouse.

SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials
SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials

This SOP is applicable for all incoming raw and primary packaging materials for pharmaceuticals in the warehouse. 

3.1 SOP for the transfer of raw and packaging materials to quarantine storage.

3.2 SOP for handling damaged containers of raw materials.

3.3 SOP for the reception and storage of flammable solvents.

3.4 SOP for batch numbering of raw and packaging materials.


4.1 Executive/Officer Warehouse is responsible for receiving and checking documents and maintaining the record.

4.2 The warehouse supervisor is responsible for inspecting the truck or van before and after unloading, putting it on the rack, marshaling, damage checking, weighing, quarantining the materials, and raising GRN.

4.3 The security person is responsible for checking the materials as per the challan or invoice and maintaining the log book.


Head of Department


Handle fragile containers with care and separate them from good containers.

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7.1 Allow the truck to park at the ‘Unloading Bay’ of the ‘Raw Material Warehouse and inspect the truck’.

7.2 Check that all necessary documents (Challan, invoice etc.) are available.

7.3 Compare the items with the purchase order. Challan & Invoice.

7.4 Inform the commercial department if any abnormality or discrepancy is found on any document.

7.5  Unloading

7.5.1 Arrange to unload the material with proper care.

7.5.2 When unloading the materials, it is necessary to present the security person.

7.5.3 Clean the containers/bags with a rag and use a vacuum cleaner if necessary.

7.5.4 Put the containers/bags on the shelf according to the direction ( ­) indicated on the label.

7.5.5 Follow the safety measures during unloading the solvent containers (e.g., flammable or organic solvents, etc.)

7.6 Marshaling, checking & Weighing

7.6.1 Sort out the damaged (broken seal, tapped, breakage, leakage, etc.) containers/bags/reels by Visual inspection while putting them on the rack. Repack or segregate the damaged containers according to related. 

7.6.2 Count the number of containers and compare the quantity with the Challan.

7.6.3 Check the container visually for appropriate labeling Name of material, Batch no. Expiry date, supplier/ manufacturer name (Annexure 5).

7.6.4 Weigh the materials and verify the declared gross weight. Determine the net weight by subtracting the declared tare weight from the gross weight and recording it in the raw materials/foil receiving register.

7.6.5 Segregate the containers following the supplier’s batch number.

7.6.6 Allocate batch number. for a supplier of each batch of material following the related SOP.

7.6.7 Transfer the materials to the quarantine area with the proper status label, following the related SOP.

7.6.8 Fill up the GRN (Annexure-1 / or Annexure 2) Register (Annexure 3-Annexure-4) and send it to the Quality Assurance Department.

7.6.9 After quality control, release or reject the materials and transfer them to the passed or rejected area.


8.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

8.2 GRN: Goods Received Note


9.1 Annexure 1: GRN (Goods Received Note) for Raw Material.

9.2 Annexure 2: GRN (Goods Received Note) for Packaging Material.

9.3 Annexure 3: Raw Material Receiving Register Format.

9.4 Annexure 4: Packaging Material Receiving Register Format.

9.5 Annexure 5: Materials Receiving Checklist.

SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials
Annexure 1: GRN (Goods eceived Note) for Raw Material.
SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials
Annexure 2: GRN (Goods Received Note) for Packaging Material.
SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials
Annexure 3: Raw Material Receiving Register Format.
SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials
Annexure 4: Packaging Material Receiving Register Format.
SOP for Receiving of Raw and Packaging Materials
Annexure 5: Materials Receiving Checklist.
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